Kevin Christopher Snipes made his New York playwriting debut with his dark comedy A Bitter Taste, which premiered at Ensemble Studio Theatre. He followed that up with his private school drama The Chimes, which was part of the Summer Play Festival at the Public Theater. Additionally, his plays have received readings and workshops at the New Group, the Amoralists, the Aurora Theater, Berkshire Playwrights Lab, Luna Stage, the Gallery Players, and Orlando Shakespeare, and his plays have been published in Arts & Letters and the Best Plays of the Strawberry One-Act Festival. Kevin is the recipient of an Artists Fellow in Playwriting / Screenwriting from the New York Foundation for the Arts and an Alfred P. Sloan Screenwriting Fellowship. He is an alumnus of the Public Theater’s Emerging Writers Group.
Photo: Ian Kramer and Kevin Alonso in the UCF production of The Chimes.